Contribution vs blame part 2

Overall, taking blame out of the equation lowers defense and judgement, and this helps conversation and energy flow openly.

When we sense that we are being blamed, we tend to get defensive, and this stops the open flow of conversation. The same thing happens when we judge our situation or blame someone for the way it is, it stops the flow of energy. When we accept how things are without judgement, we let the energy flow, and this opens the possibility for change.

Here is a recap of AAA in case you have forgotten or have not heard this yet.

AAA stands for being Aware, Acknowledge and Accept. This formula can be applied to any situation that we don’t like the way it is.

Aware – you first need to be aware of the thing you don’t like or want to change.

Acknowledge – you have to admit or acknowledge the situation. Donny states this is best done out loud and its even better if you say it out loud to another person.

Accept- accept that it is what it is without judgement, blame or wishing it was different. Accept that it hasn’t changed yet. 

Doing all 3 steps allows the energy to flow and opens the possibility for easier change. The last step can be the hardest. Here is an old newsletter about acceptance in layers. Link

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