Epienergetic seasons, AAA and The Gap

Whatever Epienergetic season/s you are in, it’s important to remember AAA for a more efficient energetic life experience. As a reminder AAA stands for being Aware, Acknowledging and Accepting where you are or how things are. The key to accepting is to do so without judgement or wishing things were different. Acceptance of things we do not like is how they can change. After the season overview, we will offer a way to accept yourself as is AND to desire change at the same time.

Discover- In discover, energy states range from energy poor to energy neutral. Some perspectives in this season are, this sucks, this is overwhelming or this is a threat to me since I can’t get everything done that I SHOULD get done, There is no preceived gift or benefit to the situation. Non healthy coping strategies for stress causing extra stress. Examples include drinking or sulking.

Transform- Energy levels in this season range from energy neutral to energy rich. Perspectives in this season revolve around making change happen. This change happens initially with force and evolves to more of a big picture/optimization viewpoint as you progress. There is a gift but you have to make it/earn it. Examples include adapting and taking on new projects or figuring out ways to get what you need done despite or even because of the weather.

Awaken- Energy rich to super rich. In this season, things simply are as they are. The gift is already there and being experienced. Awaken by itself is pure energy and is not sustainable for very long. Moments of gratitude, love and appreciation are great examples of this energy. Awaken is almost always a great addition to either Discover or Transfrom mentioned above. Integrating awaken brings the gifts of awaken to the seasons of Discover and Transform.

Ideally we live our lives through all lenses in the Seasons of Wellbeing, Problems arise when we become stuck or fixated in 1 or 2 seasons. When this happens, we are missing out on at least 1 season. If you are missing Discover, you can not find the problem. If you are missing transform, you can not fix the problem. If you are missing awaken, you can not find the gift. Network Spinal care helps you move and flow through the seasons efferently so that you are not missing any seasons/ perspectives.

The Gap

Donny Epstein talks about something called The Gap. This gap is the energetic space between where you are currently and where you are called to be. The key to filling this gap and moving toward the latter is AAA.

We must AAA where we are currently with NO JUDGEMENT!

We must also AAA where we are called to be/ the higher version of us that we need to be to fulfill our purpose.

Alternate focusing and AAA’ing one and then the other. go back and forth until you can focus and accept them both at the same time. This will allow free energy from the universe to fill the gap.

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