How Network Spinal helps you grow. The catalyst effect

Last week we discussed the 2 modes/ orientations our autonomic nervous system has and how Network Spinal helps you return to the non- stress mode. We talked about how this non stress mode allows for growth and evolution to happen in your Nervous System and life.
This week we will discuss how some of this growth happens. Network Spinal is a catalyst for growth/healing. Sometimes this shows up in seemingly unrelated areas of life. As your Nervous System operates more and more in the growth or non-stress mode, your autopilot interrupts the same life situations differently. Where your auto pilot saw things as threats, you might now see opportunity. This would let you have different emotions and thoughts. This means that you may be open to new things or view points. You might have additional perspectives or options pop into your thoughts.
Some things we heard this week at Next Level related to this topic:My posture looks better because I have not been eating out as much.
This person had a significant change on their 1st posture re exam to where their belly was not sticking out anymore. They attributed this change to them not eating out as much since they started care. This was a great chance to explain the catalyst effect. In stress mode, our Brains have more activity in the old animal part, or the limbic system. This part is pain/pleasure driven and operates in the now. There is no logical forward thinking. In growth or non-stress mode, there is more activity and blood flow to the pre frontal cortex. This is our higher thinking logical brain that helps us makes good long term choices. I was also able to show this person how the curves of their spine were changing to give the postural changes seen on top of weight loss.
We also had someone tell us that they had been craving and eating lots of broccoli after their first entrainment. This craving lasted for about a week. This is another example of change in behavior linked to someone’s nervous system switching modes. In growth mode, we are more connected. This means we are able to pick up on the subtle messages our bodies are sending us. It is harder to pick up on the subtle cues when our bodies are locked in stress mode as our senses our first searching for any threats. Intuitively, this person was deficient in something found in Broccoli, and the craving was their bodies message to correct this.
We had someone say they have a general sense of wellbeing since starting care. Again, this correlates with a nervous system operating in growth or non stress. This will lead to different behaviors if it has not already.
People change diets, workout routines, view points and much more when their orientation switches to growth/healing. Healing and growth are multi factorial. This is the great power of Network- The Catalyst Effect.

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