Contribution vs blame

I am listening to an audio book called “Difficult Conversations”- How to discuss what matters most. It’s a bit dry, but it makes some great points that relate to life and Network care. One point that stuck so far was to acknowledge how we and others contribute to a situation rather than blaming anyone including ourselves. This is one of the key gifts/components of Discover care. In Discover, we become aware of how we are contributing to our problems or situation. Once we are aware how we contribute, we can begin to make changes. As a quick recap, Seasons of Wellbeing is a model Donny Epistein created for human healing and growth. Discover is all about the problem, Transform is about the solution, Awaken is about finding the gift in the wound and the ultimate perfection of life, and Integrate is where we mix the seasons for the best experience. Discover care and integrate is where we start the journey of Network care. It’s done face down and the contacts are relatively quick and light. You can read more about this is previous blog posts

In Network, these light contacts help to process stored stress and to take your Nervous System out of fight, flight, or freeze. As stored stress is released, the body can unwind and our thinking and feelings shift from survival based to growth based. This lets us have increased connection to our bodies and intuitions so that we can notice where we are contributing to our problems or pains.

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