AAA vs taking Action

This post was originally written in late 2020. 2020 sure has been an interesting year. I think it is probably safe to say that this year has been too much for all of us.

We have all had to deal with normal life stresses compounded with massive amounts of uncertainty and fear surrounding Covid and polarity surrounding the election. For most people, this combination has been too much many times over.

When life is too much over and over again, it can start to shift our Nervous System to “survival mode.”

If we fail to notice, or if we are not willing to acknowledge that we are overwhelmed, it is easy for our subconscious or auto pilot to become stuck in survival mode. It is at this point that people tend to stop doing their healthy habits and default back to old bad habits. Once healthy habits stop, forward healthy momentum will slow and eventually stop before beginning to slip backwards.

If we are able to realize when we are overwhelmed, and we are able to acknowledge it, it becomes much easier for us to accept it.

Sometimes this magic formula of AAA (aware, acknowledge, and accept) is enough to let you feel and process everything in real time. This allows your nervous system to dissipate the extra energy instead of storing it as stress.

Other times, action is needed after AAA’ing. Some great action steps include:

Kick starting healthy habits even when you don’t want to.

Doing something that makes you happy.

Workout (vigorous if you can)

Increase meditation time and/or frequency

GET ENTRAINED!!! Not only will getting Network entrainments help to instantly shift your body out of stress, but it will also help shift your brain function back to where it is easy and enjoyable to do our healthy habits! Our habits help determine our long-term health.