Primary Order-2

Last week, we talked about the primary order which was basically our awareness of and ability to connect with breath, movement or energy to varying degrees. We then use the Goldilocks method of doing the ones that are just right for us. This week we will look deeper at breath, movement and energy relative to the respiratory wave- really big breaths you take during an entrainment.

At the beginning of Network Spinal care, you will most likely only notice that you take big breaths. Over time, your breath will increase. Just as importantly, your awareness of your breath will increase. Our awareness of our breath often lags behind our actual breath. Let us know how far you think your breath goes and we will let you know how far it actually goes!

Breath- This is the actual air or breath moving into and though your body. In Network Spinal, one of our goals is to create a respiratory wave or really large breath that goes all the way to your tail bone to the base of your skull. It is the largest and most complete breath you will likely ever take.

Movement– Movement is the physical movement of your body. Where as someone more aware of breath might focus on the air flowing in their body, someone more movement oriented might focus on the muscles firing during the breath.

It takes muscles to breath- we have primary breathing muscles such as our diaphragm and eternal intercostals (rib muscles to expand and contract), and we have secondary breathing muscles which include or back muscles, stomach muscles and neck muscles. These muscles work together to fill your lungs will air and expel waste. A healthier automatic nervous system, is better able to coordinate these muscles to create bigger and more efficient breaths.

Energy- this is the actual energy that rides on the breath wave (it also rides on the somatophysic wave). Its hard to put this into words. Basically, you are either aware of energy or you are not. You can think of it as our life force. In some traditions, they call it Qi, Che, or Prana. In Chiropractic, we call this energy light.

Everyone experiences breath, movement and energy on the table and throughout life. The primary order is simply a way to better pay attention to our bodies by focusing our attention on areas we are naturally more aware of and resourceful.

Going back to the respiratory wave:

The respiratory wave is a product of Network Spinal care and the automatic part of your nervous system. It can not be recreated without Network. This means that you do not have to try and make your breath bigger or deeper while you are on the table. You simply need to be increasingly aware of your breath.

This wave allows you to connect to and release stored stress. It also stimulates your parasympathetic system as well as rocks each bone in your back to help it reset. On top of this, it gives your organs and other inners a nice micro massage. These are all reasons why it feels so good to breathe on the table!

We use and help people find their primary order while practicing Network Spinal in Dallas, Texas,

Face up or face down?

Someone reacently asked why we sometimes have you go back face down after being faceup on the table, and I figured more people might have this currisioty.
Face down care is typically Discover care where you are able to connect to and release stored stresses in your body. Its goal is to add stability to your body/ Nervous System. (Early transform care is also done facedown). If you come in with lots of stored stress/ tension, we will typically work in Discover or discover integrate to increase the ease and flexibility (decrease tension/stress) in your body/Nervous System before potentially going on to work in Transform or Awaken. Discover care helps you process stress to have more fuel for transform and awaken care.
When we have you lay faceup, we are working with either late Transform or Awaken care. The goal of these seasons is radically different than in discover care. These seasons are about growth and making effective change. They add a temporary reorgazational instability to your body/Nervous System. This combined with the new energy your system has from processing stress allows your system to reorganize to a higher level of function. As a practical example of processing stress, think about the energy that goes into holding a muscle spasm being redirected in a more useful way as your body relaxes during an entrainment.
The reason we might have you go back face down, is so we can recheck your spine, muscles and how everything is moving to make sure you are in better shape than when you came in, especially if you experienced a lot of instability or had really big changes in your body that day (ie: came in with a lot of stress in your body.)
As a reminder – instability with a new energy source or more energy = upgrade the system. Instability without a new energy source or more energy= downgrade the system or dis-ease.
If your spine is has large amounts of instability after going back facedown, we will usually do 1 -2 quick discover contacts to help your system organize to a higher level of stability.
Here is a video of Donny talking about the seasons of wellbeing from 2010. Donny is much healthier now than he was in this video.

Network Spinal and Headaches

This is a great video I came across last night discussing 3 common headaches types and how to alleviate them using acupressure. Acupressure is a great way to help yourself when secondary conditions come up and work great in conjunction with Network Spinal Analysis.

The video goes into a general overview of the cause of three types of headaches. It describes each type of headache and tells us what might cause or trigger each one as well. The video states that these types of headaches can be triggered by things like sensory stimulus, tension, weather changes, stress, and muscle strain. What I noticed while I was watching was that many of these of these are just another way of describing a Central Nervous System that is unable to adapt to change effectively.

Network Spinal Analysis, soon to be rebranded Network Spinal, can help people suffering from headaches by upgrading their Human Operating System (CNS). A better functioning operating system will allow for quicker and easier adaptation to stresses resulting in fewer secondary conditions such as headaches. Below are the types of headaches featured in the video and how NSA helps with each of them.

Tension headache
Improve the health and integrity of your spine and Central Nervous System.
Upgrade human operating system
Reduce tension
Improve structure of spine and behavior of postural muscles.

Migraine headache
Help your nervous system adapt to changes faster and easier.
Reduces stress
Upgrade human operating system
Improve health and integrity of spine and central nervous system

Sinus headache
Help your immune system function properly
Upgrade human operating system
Improve health and integrity of spine and central nervous system

DR’s Homer and Sarah Johnson have been providing Network care to the Dallas since 2011. Contact Next Level Chiropractic to learn more. We hope you have enjoyed this article and video!


Counteract sitting: Guest speaker Josh Amora

What a great class we had with Body Mechanic Josh Amora this month!

Some of the highlights were:

Hold each stretch for at least 2 minutes!

When adding up the hours you sit, don’t forget driving and eating!!

Taking into account how many hours you sit, make sure you are stretching multiple times throughout the day. If you are sitting for 12 hours stretching for 2 minutes is not going to cut it.

Here is the video of the class and link to his website.

All the best,
Your Next Level team
Dallas’s premier source for Network Spinal Analysis