Nervous system health and emotions

One of the unseen benefits of having your Nervous System in growth mode (instead of stress mode) is a greater ability to trust and have faith.

If you stop to think about it, trust and faith are not usually the first emotions felt if you are running or fighting for your life. Fear or anger are more appropriate emotions to keep you alive in the face of immediate danger.

This is one of the biggest changes that happens over and over again in Network Spinal Care. Subconscious or automatic patterns of fear and anger are transformed and/or awakened to patterns of trust and faith. This allows for an expansion or deepening of your own personal belief system, and trust in both the macro and micro parts of life. Come experience Network Spinal Care for yourself at Next Level Chiropractic -14200 Midway rd suite 110 Dallas, TX 75244.

How light contacts make a big difference

We are often asked how such light Network Entrainment contacts can make a difference in the body. 

Here is one way we answer:(the wording is borrowed from our friend Dr. Matthew- a fellow Network Spinal Practitioner)

We are not actually adjusting the bones. 

Bones aren’t smart, so we don’t adjust those – you have to push hard to move bones, and they tend to go right back where they started.

Muscles aren’t smart, so we don’t adjust those, either – you have to push hard to stretch muscles, and they tend to go right back to where they started.

Nerves ARE smart, which is why we adjust those – they run everything in you and can learn to sustain your results when they’re adjusted properly. 

Nerves respond best when you adjust those with a gentle force. Like a touchscreen, a tiny touch to specific nerves elicits big change. Like a touchscreen, different qualities of touch elicit different kinds of change. Like a touchscreen, the touch only works if the proper apps are open, which is why we do an in-depth analysis as to where and how to apply a gentle force. Infact, Network Spinal used to be called Network Spinal Analysis.

When you bang on a slow touchscreen, does it actually work any faster – or does it sometimes go even slower from the overload and can you damage the wiring?

 The body works the same way! 

That’s why we’re gentle, precise, and patient – and why we get such amazing results. Come get Network Spinal care at Next Level Chiropractic- 14200 Midway rd suite 110 Dallas, TX 75244.

Primary order 1

There is something called a primary order that you can use on the Network entrainment table or in life. It is a model that can help you know what to pay attention to while being entrained. Using it correctly can help you be more energetically resourceful and efficient.

It has 3 parts or areas of focus and they are: breath, movement, and energy.

Explore paying attention to each of them (B,M,E) one at a time. One of them should stand out as easiest to focus on, and one might stand out as second best. To effectively use your primary order, pay attention to the one that is easiest for you to focus on or feel first and primarily. After that stops, or at the same time, focus on the one (B,M,E) that is second easiest for you to focus on or feel. Add the third in the same manner on occasion when possible.

Side note: Past initially exploration, this is only really relevant when you are not sure what to focus on. Do not pace a lot of time or thought into this. Simply do what works in the moment and have the model as a backup to use when you don’t know what to do.

Breath- sensation of air moving into and through your body. Focus is on the inhale and exhale and specific to the breath.

Energy- can be called Prana, Qi or simply energy. It is hard to describe because it can be different for everyone. If it feels tingly or weird, that is probably energy.

Movement- This is the physical movement the body. Movement can be felt on the joints and muscles.

Let us know if you have any questions about this via email or by dropping into Next Level Chiropractic at 14200 Midway rd suite 110, Dallas, TX 75244.

Primary Order-2

Last week, we talked about the primary order which was basically our awareness of and ability to connect with breath, movement or energy to varying degrees. We then use the Goldilocks method of doing the ones that are just right for us. This week we will look deeper at breath, movement and energy relative to the respiratory wave- really big breaths you take during an entrainment.

At the beginning of Network Spinal care, you will most likely only notice that you take big breaths. Over time, your breath will increase. Just as importantly, your awareness of your breath will increase. Our awareness of our breath often lags behind our actual breath. Let us know how far you think your breath goes and we will let you know how far it actually goes!

Breath- This is the actual air or breath moving into and though your body. In Network Spinal, one of our goals is to create a respiratory wave or really large breath that goes all the way to your tail bone to the base of your skull. It is the largest and most complete breath you will likely ever take.

Movement– Movement is the physical movement of your body. Where as someone more aware of breath might focus on the air flowing in their body, someone more movement oriented might focus on the muscles firing during the breath.

It takes muscles to breath- we have primary breathing muscles such as our diaphragm and eternal intercostals (rib muscles to expand and contract), and we have secondary breathing muscles which include or back muscles, stomach muscles and neck muscles. These muscles work together to fill your lungs will air and expel waste. A healthier automatic nervous system, is better able to coordinate these muscles to create bigger and more efficient breaths.

Energy- this is the actual energy that rides on the breath wave (it also rides on the somatophysic wave). Its hard to put this into words. Basically, you are either aware of energy or you are not. You can think of it as our life force. In some traditions, they call it Qi, Che, or Prana. In Chiropractic, we call this energy light.

Everyone experiences breath, movement and energy on the table and throughout life. The primary order is simply a way to better pay attention to our bodies by focusing our attention on areas we are naturally more aware of and resourceful.

Going back to the respiratory wave:

The respiratory wave is a product of Network Spinal care and the automatic part of your nervous system. It can not be recreated without Network. This means that you do not have to try and make your breath bigger or deeper while you are on the table. You simply need to be increasingly aware of your breath.

This wave allows you to connect to and release stored stress. It also stimulates your parasympathetic system as well as rocks each bone in your back to help it reset. On top of this, it gives your organs and other inners a nice micro massage. These are all reasons why it feels so good to breathe on the table!

We use and help people find their primary order while practicing Network Spinal in Dallas, Texas,

Does your joints randomly pop?

Does your body randomly pop or crack?

Let’s look at some of the reasons this can happen.

The main reason our bodies pop or crack when we start Newtork Spinal care is that our spines are reorganizing or changing. Anytime there is change in an area of your spine, you might experience some random popping that area. These should feel good as they are your body naturally releasing tension and mobilizing joints that have been stuck. These pops will stay in the same area for a while and then stop or move to another area. These types of pops are good for you as long as you allow them to happen naturally/randomly, and you do not try and force something to pop. You will likely be drawn to do certain movements or stretches automatically that seem to make the pops happen more.

Another reason your body may pop, or have crepitus (that weird creeping/grinding sound when you move a joint), is that is has been over worked or stressed, our posture suffers, and extra tension is built up in our bodies. Our bodies will do the best they can at dissipating tension AND to bring our awareness to that area. These type of pops feel gritty and will likely be experienced during stretching or movements such as rolling your neck. It is important to listen to our bodies and continue to move and stretch these areas – this is a also a good indicator that its time for an entrainment.

Yet another type of popping is repetitive popping in the same area as a result of the same repetitive movements. Examples of this might be your shoulder clicking when you raise your arm or your hip popping when walking or exercising. These are signs of misalignment and once again a good indicator that it is time for a Network entrainment.

With all clicking or popping, it is important not to try and correct, adjust or pop yourself. You will not be able to adjust the stuck or subluxated bones. Instead, you will create extra wear and tear in the joints above and below the one that is stuck. Trying to adjust yourself can also result in injury.

Side note: It feels good to pop yourself because you still release endorphins (feel good chemicals that saturate our brain) as you mobilize the joints above and/or blow the stuck or subluxated joint. The problem is that this creates extra wear and tear on these joints. It can also contribute to long term fixations and occasional injury.

Practicing emotions

What emotions have you been practicing consistently?

Emotions are largely pre-rational which means that they occur before the conscious mind engages (emotions are faster than thoughts).

This also means that we do not get to choose our initial emotions or reactions to things.

Emotions come from the automatic part of our bodies, and the quality (positive or negative) largely depends on the health of our Human Operating Systems.

A system stuck in chronic stress mode will have more emotions consistent with the Fight, Flight, or Freeze response (anger or fear). This means that even if you are not consciously stressed, your initial pre-rational reaction to things will be more affected by subconscious stress.

A system operating normally or not in stress mode will also have a different set of pre rational emotions that are not based on fear and anger. These emotions will range from neutral to loving and empathetic depending on the level of energy available. If you notice yourself here, try pausing and taking a few breaths into your heart and/or using Donny Epstein’s AAA formula.

Network Spinal care is one of the best ways to get the Human operating System out of stress mode, and back into growth. Regular entrainments give you a better chance or having positive pre-rational emotions. Said simply, if you notice you are grumpy, it might be time to come get entrained.

We can also choose what emotions we practice! We get better at anything we practice including positive or peak emotions. You can practice anytime by bringing up an emotion you want to feel more later- joy, love gratitude are some good ones. With practice, you will be able to quickly AAA pre-rational stress emotions, and then you can choose to focus on more positive emotions.

Levels of pain in the Epienergetic model

At Next Level Chiropractic, in Dallas, Texas, we focus on correcting subluxations to allow for a fuller expression of life as well as on upgrading the Human Operating System (the Nervous System) which allows positive change to be more sustainable.

So what is a “subluxation”- it is a Chiropractic term meaning “less light.” In this case, light equates to energy and life force, and the flow of these into our bodies through our nervous systems.

So Chiropractic at its roots is all about increasing light and connection to the Universal Intelligence.

Chiropractic is also great with helping with pain.

Pain is a message from your body to pay attention and/or to change something. Pain is always associated with a “net loss” of energy , but it can also lead us to growth and healing. 

Chronic pain often comes from long term misalignments in posture or biomechanics which usually come from unprocessed stresses. 

Network Spinal care can help with pain by assisting in the healing or process past stresses which lead to chronic misalignment. 

Here is a bit more on pain from the Epienergetic perspective:

There are levels of pain associated with different Energetic Intelligences; each type of pain is manifested as physical pain and get progressively worse.

Pain associated with Bioenergetic and Emotional Intelligences is the lowest level of pain and comes from trying to avoid pain or uncomfortable situations.

The next level of pain is associated with the lower mind and revolves around not being able to cope, manage or control life circumstances. Increasing energy levels and efficiency can help to see multiple perspectives helping with this type of pain.

Next, is the pain associated with the upper mental intelligence and involves not making enough progress or not making progress fast enough. I.e. “I thought I would be further along by now…” Changing or upgrading your sense of self helps at this level and below.

The last and most intense level of pain is associated with the Soul Intelligence, This pain comes from not knowing why you are here/your gifts and/or not being able to share or receive gifts with others.

All pain has a meaning if we are open to receiving it- this DOES NOT mean that it is fun or feels good. Pain sucks in the moment. This part is easy to be aware of and acknowledge, but often is harder to accept. Accepting that you have pain and that it sucks and that something good can come from it is easier said than done but well worth it.

Willingness vs willfulness and Network Spinal

This morning we will take a quick look at the consciousness of “willingness” and how it applies to your Network entrainments.

“Willingness” ranks just above neutrality in the David Hawkins “Model of Consciousness.” It helps open the door to higher levels such as acceptance, joy, and love and it also helps you move away or release levels such as shame, anger, fear and guilt.

Willingness is about being open (to receive or experience). It can range from limited such as “I am willing to receive abundance” or pure willingness such as “I am willing.” The broader your willingness is, the more energy/bandwidth it will have.

Willing vs willful

Willing is opening while being willful is a form of resistance. Being “willing” is about going with the flow, being willful is forceful. Something you will hear in our office often “flowing not forcing.”

Examples on the Network Spinal table:

Willful- I want to feel a certain way during or after this entrainment

Willing- I am willing to feel

Willful- I need this area to pop or release

Willing- I am willing to let my body do what it needs

WillfulI- I need this pain to change now

Willing- I am willing to listen to my body/ the pain

Body relaxation during Network Entrainment

Have you ever felt part of your body melt while on the entrainment table?

It might feel like a drop in tension or sudden relaxation of part of your body or your whole body.

Here is a closer look at what’s going on when this happens.

The automatic or subconscious part of your body is letting go or processing a past stress or trauma. This stored stress was being energetically held in the part of your body that you felt relax. This is why we sometimes say Network Spinal care is like therapy for the automatic or subconscious part of your body.

Emotional Stress- emotional release

Have you had the urge to yell or make noise while you are on the entrainment table? You might feel this while we are holding a contact for a longer period of time and/or asking you to stretch or lift a certain area. This is your body wanting to let go of emotional stress. “Moving” i.e.- stretching and making noise, are some of the best ways to release emotional tension. (Donny says “Energy in motion is e-motion.”)

Believe me when I say – NO ONE wants to yell or make noise.

Making noise can be incredibly uncomfortable especially if the room has other people in it.  Sometimes people even say they don’t want to disturb the other people in the room. You WILL NOT disturb the room. You will actually help the room by letting others know what is possible and by liberating energy.  Making small noises when a bigger noise is needed is like slowly taking a very sticky band aid off.  We all know it’s better to rip it off even though it will be temporary painful. The same thing applies to releasing emotional tension. Said another way, if we do not allow our bodies to make the noise they need to make, we do not get the emotional release we could otherwise get.