08/5/19- Respiratory wave

Good morning and Happy Monday,

This is the first week of our new hours. The only things that have changed are that Tuesday and Thursday morning shifts now match Monday and Wednesday, and all morning shifts now go through 1:15pm We ask that you are in the door by 1:15pm to get entrained during the morning shifts. Afternoon hours have not changed.

So why this change?

We have noticed that 1:15pm seems to be a natural cutoff, and that not many people come in from 1:30-2:30pm.
Having different hours on different days was confusing. This will simplify things making it easier to come get entrained.
This will also allow me to go home for lunch Tue and Thur to see our newborn, give Sarah a short break, and pick Max up from extended day a couple days a week. I love being at the office, and being able to go home and come back (instead of staying at the office all day like I had been on T and Th) will allow me to be more energy rich and to provide better care.

Respiratory wave

What is the respiratory wave?
There are 2 waves in Network that carry energy and information through your body. The first is the respiratory or breath wave. This wave allows your Nervous System to become aware of stress and tension stored in your body and begin to release it. It starts at your tail bone and travels all the way up your body to your head and back down, eventually carrying energy and information into the Gateway (where we make contacts) we are working with.

How much of the respiratory wave are you aware of? Do you feel it moving up your spine rocking each bone as it goes? Does it stop or get stuck somewhere? Are you aware of it moving through your neck all the way to the top and back down your spine? Do you feel it go into the gateway and maybe notice a lifting or rocking in your body at the place we made a contact? The more you are aware of, the more you can connect to and release. As Donny says, “You have to feel it to heal it.” This is why you might notice pain that you were unaware of as you lay on the table.

This wave is all about adding stability and ease to your system. It is generally the first thing to develop and that people notice. It usually starts out only moving part of the way up your spine and body and gets bigger/ moves further with repetition. We might ask you tuck your chin or lift part of your body to help the wave progress.

The respiratory wave also drives your parasympathetic system (the rest and digest) and reprograms the way you breath off the table as well. Many people report being more aware of their breath during daily life, and that their breath is deeper of fuller than before starting care. Each of the roughly 20,000 breaths you take each day can make you more or less healthy, and most of these breaths are unconscious. Regular Network care is a great way to make sure that each of the 20,000 breaths you take each day is working for you instead of just keeping you alive. Here is an article on the benefits of deep breathing.

Our Hours for: 8/05/19-8/09/19
Monday- Thursday: 10:00am-1:15pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
Friday: 3:30pm-6:00pm Our next planned Fri closure is Fri 8/24. **Dr. Jarrett works Friday afternoon**
Have a great week, Your Next Level Team

7/29/19-Going with the Flow vs Making a shift

Good morning and happy Monday,
We are one week closer to having a baby; Sarah’s approximate due date is August 17th! We are hoping for a weekend birth, and we will see how that actually goes 🙂 If we need to close the office suddenly, we will send out an email to everyone and do our best to put a note on the door and change the voicemail.
Go with the flow vs making a shift
“Going with the flow” or “swimming with the current of life” vs. “swimming upstream” is a great way to live life and works conceptually for most people. However, from the view of the Triad of Change (an epienergetic model), there are a group of people that will have a very hard time with concept of “going with the flow.” That group of people would be anyone who typically has a behavior drain. You will know you are one of these people if the concept of “going with the flow” has never made sense to you or never seemed relevant or seemed to work for you.**(see below for a refresher on the triad)
For these people, the concept or idea of flowing will actually drain energy from their overall system. Instead of “flowing”, a good strategy could be to focus on making a shift or even multiple shifts in a row.
For everyone, there will be times when going with the flow will work better and when focusing on shift/s will work better. The goal is to know what works best for you most of the time and to use that to move the same direction / flow as that which the current of life is pulling you.
Respiratory wave
Look for more information on the Respiratory wave and how it changes your spine and life in next weeks email. The respiratory waves are the really big breaths you feel/ take while on the entrainment table, and they do much more than you think.
Have wonderful day and week!
**As a refresher there are 3 sides to the Triad (Perception, structure and behavior), and the idea with the Triad of Change is to know your personal formula to go from energy neutral to energy rich. The triad has 3 parts: The prime which is the initial spark or what comes first to prime the overall system, the keystone which is the way we manage the world or our “auto pilot”, and the drain or the part that drains energy from your system when gone to directly. The ideal order is prime–> keystone–> drain. Done in this order, the energy carries over into the drain to fully fuel your system. This is a simplified explanation.

Our Hours for: 7/29/19-8/02/19
Monday- 10:00am – 1:00pm and 3:30 pm -6:00 pm Tuesday- 11:30am – 2:30pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
Wednesday-10:00am – 1:00pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
Thursday: 11:30am – 2:30pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
Friday:3:30pm-6:00pm Our next planned closures on will be Fri 8/24.
**Dr. Jarrett works Friday afternoon**
Have a great week, Your Next Level Team

7/15/19- Tony Robbins’ Priming exercise and Gratitude

Next Level Chiropractic
Hi everyone,
We had an amazing time at Tony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within event, and I wanted to share just a bit of it with you.

One of the exercises we did was a way to prime your day for gratitude, and I have included a link to a video form 2017 where Tony leads the exercise. See it here. This exercise is meant to be done in the morning.

Why would you want to start your day with Gratitude?

To start off gratitude is a super energy rich emotion and this will raise your energy state to help get you and those around to have a great start to the day.

It is also very well known that gratitude is a wonderful emotion. In fact, if you type the words “Gratitude is” into the search bar these are some of the tops suggestions that pop up.

Google: Gratitude is a must , Gratitude is the best attitude, Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness, Gratitude is the parent of all virtues

Yahoo: Gratitude is the key to happiness, Gratitude is a must, Gratitude is good for you, Gratitude is the best attitude

Generally we all start each day with some sort of emotion. Maybe not at first, but at some point something will make you happy, sad, mad, excited, frustrated or cause you to react in some other way. So if we have to experience emotion each day, why not make the first one a great one:)

Come in for a rocking entrainment this week!

Our Hours for: 7/15/19-7/19/19
Monday- 10:00am – 1:00pm and 3:30 pm -6:00 pm
Tuesday- 11:30am – 2:30pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
Wednesday-10:00am – 1:00pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
Thursday: 11:30am – 2:30pm and 3:30pm-6:00pm
**Dr. Jarrett works Friday afternoon**
Have a great week, Your Next Level Team

Tony Robbins Says NSA is the “Most Powerful Source of Transformation”

Tony Robbins is one of the world’s leading personal growth experts and this is what he has to say about Network Spinal:

“I am stronger, more inspired, creative, and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others.”

“Network Spinal Analysis represents the epitome of body work; it is the leading of body/mind/spirit integration. This work will transform the planet.”

“Network Spinal Analysis and Somato-Respiratory Integration, Donny Epstein’s revolutionary methodologies, are amongst the most powerful sources of personal transformation I have ever experienced or seen. They produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness.

Our team here at Next Level Chiropractic has had the great pleasure of caring for Tony Robbins over the last few years when he comes to the great state of Texas.

What is Network Spinal Analysis?

Network Spinal Analysis is a chiropractic technique created by Dr. Donny Epstein in the 1980s. This technique uses gentle, precise touches to entrain the body to allow the release of tensions through the initiation of Respiratory and Somatopsychic waves. These waves initiate re-organizational healing, which allows for greater consciousness of the body, the emotions, the mind, and the Self. This greater awareness leads to growth in making decisions that better serve the body and mind.

At it’s core, Network Spinal Analysis is primarily focused on the health and integrity of the spine and nervous system; the system which controls and connects every other system within the body. As the nervous system is upgraded through care, the whole body is upgraded as a result.

What are the objectives of Network Spinal Analysis?

NSA aims for patient members achieving allostasis rather than homeostasis. Allostasis refers to the ability to maintain stability through change-i.e. to adapt; adapting rather than merely maintaining. This allows people under Network care to grow and improve their lives.

Through Network care, people are able to make better choices partly due to the automatic or autonomic part of the central nervous system not being stuck in a fight or flight state and more activation of the prefrontal cortex. Network Spinal Analysis has research showing it’s improvement with chronic pain, depression, anxiety, balance, ADD and ADHD, concentration, energy, migraines, stress, and mind-body connection. Patients receiving NSA care have also shown dramatic improvements in their life such as starting exercising or doing yoga, making better food choices, taking vitamins and not smoking without their doctor having instructed them to make these changes.

Included is a link to a list of peer-reviewed publications involved Network Spinal Analysis Care:Research

Network Spinal and Headaches

This is a great video I came across last night discussing 3 common headaches types and how to alleviate them using acupressure. Acupressure is a great way to help yourself when secondary conditions come up and work great in conjunction with Network Spinal Analysis.

The video goes into a general overview of the cause of three types of headaches. It describes each type of headache and tells us what might cause or trigger each one as well. The video states that these types of headaches can be triggered by things like sensory stimulus, tension, weather changes, stress, and muscle strain. What I noticed while I was watching was that many of these of these are just another way of describing a Central Nervous System that is unable to adapt to change effectively.

Network Spinal Analysis, soon to be rebranded Network Spinal, can help people suffering from headaches by upgrading their Human Operating System (CNS). A better functioning operating system will allow for quicker and easier adaptation to stresses resulting in fewer secondary conditions such as headaches. Below are the types of headaches featured in the video and how NSA helps with each of them.

Tension headache
Improve the health and integrity of your spine and Central Nervous System.
Upgrade human operating system
Reduce tension
Improve structure of spine and behavior of postural muscles.

Migraine headache
Help your nervous system adapt to changes faster and easier.
Reduces stress
Upgrade human operating system
Improve health and integrity of spine and central nervous system

Sinus headache
Help your immune system function properly
Upgrade human operating system
Improve health and integrity of spine and central nervous system

DR’s Homer and Sarah Johnson have been providing Network care to the Dallas since 2011. Contact Next Level Chiropractic to learn more. We hope you have enjoyed this article and video!